Spam statistics of AS30404 BLUESTREAMFIBER

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States7170 205Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-31 2591 4084.50%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
109 72457 692

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS30404

Owner of AS30404

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS30404 is Advance Auto Parts, Inc., which is a company specializing in the automotive parts industry.

Main Operational Activity of AS30404's Owner

Advance Auto Parts, Inc. operates as a retailer of automotive parts and accessories. Their main activities include the sale of various car components, accessories, batteries, and maintenance items to both do-it-yourself (DIY) customers and professional installers.

Establishment of AS30404

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact establishment date of AS30404. ASN assignment dates are typically not publicly disclosed, but the entity using it would have been assigned the ASN by a regional internet registry at some point after their operational need for an autonomous system was established.

Use of AS30404 by Hackers or Spammers

According to data retrieved from, a service that tracks spam and malicious activity, AS30404 does have records of abuse. As with any network, there is always a possibility that it can be used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. It's important for network administrators to monitor their networks and implement security measures to mitigate such activities.

Details from indicate that there have been instances of abuse detected originating from AS30404. However, these detections do not necessarily mean that the owner of the AS is directly responsible for the malicious activity, as it could be the result of compromised systems within their network or abuse by third parties.

WhoIs AS30404


SPAM active IP addresses in AS30404 BLUESTREAMFIBER

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 23:10:222024-11-13 04:29:127 12:30:372024-11-06 17:30:313
357.135.175.302024-02-06 02:06:342024-11-13 16:15:523
457.135.224.2242024-08-26 12:10:412024-11-03 16:29:066
5104.203.69.22024-08-31 09:05:282024-11-14 08:50:3035
6104.203.177.1302019-11-09 01:31:302024-11-13 21:50:307
7104.203.218.1622020-09-05 17:04:372024-11-01 14:29:0411
8104.203.229.122016-07-07 02:45:402024-11-05 02:30:3521
9104.203.240.1302023-08-24 19:46:432024-11-05 14:31:2814
10104.203.243.192023-05-16 17:30:242024-11-09 12:30:364
11104.203.249.1142016-07-08 04:37:002024-11-01 04:00:3431

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
12124.233.184.0/22United States10241600.00%
12224.233.188.0/23United States512400.00%
12324.233.191.0/24United States256400.00%
12457.135.0.0/22United States10243300.00%
12557.135.4.0/22United States10243300.00%
12657.135.8.0/22United States10244100.00%
12757.135.12.0/22United States10242000.00%
12857.135.16.0/22United States10241700.00%
12957.135.20.0/22United States10242500.00%
13057.135.24.0/22United States10244000.00%
13157.135.28.0/22United States10241900.00%
13257.135.32.0/22United States10242300.00%
13357.135.40.0/22United States1024400.00%
13457.135.44.0/22United States10242600.00%
13557.135.48.0/22United States10243100.00%
13657.135.52.0/22United States10241500.00%
13757.135.56.0/22United States10241500.00%
13857.135.60.0/22United States10241800.00%
13957.135.64.0/22United States10242200.00%
14057.135.68.0/22United States10241700.00%
14157.135.72.0/22United States10241700.00%
14257.135.76.0/22United States10243800.00%
14357.135.80.0/22United States10243700.00%
14457.135.84.0/22United States10241500.00%
14557.135.88.0/22United States10242200.00%
14657.135.92.0/22United States10242000.00%
14757.135.108.0/22United States10247300.00%
14857.135.112.0/22United States10247100.00%
14957.135.116.0/22United States10246600.00%
15057.135.120.0/22United States10242000.00%