AS203999 Geekyworks IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

Spam statistics of AS203999 Geekyworks IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
India23869 313Paid VPN, Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-12 0365 07142.13%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
40 33114 851

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS203999

Ownership of AS203999

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS203999 is "ServeTheWorld AS," which is a company based in Norway that specializes in offering various internet hosting services to its customers.

Main Operational Activity

ServeTheWorld AS focuses on providing services such as web hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and co-location services. Their infrastructure supports the needs of websites, online applications, and data storage, emphasizing reliability and performance.

Establishment of AS203999

Details about the exact establishment date of AS203999 are not commonly disclosed in public ASN records. For precise dates, one would typically need to refer to the organization's own publications or the regional internet registry responsible for the region, which in this case is RIPE NCC.

Malicious Use of AS203999

Regarding the use of AS203999 by hackers or spammers, information from CleanTalk indicates that there have been instances of abuse detected emanating from this ASN. According to, it has been reported for spam and malicious activities. However, it is important to note that while some networks within an ASN may be compromised and used for malicious purposes, this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the ASN owner itself. ServeTheWorld AS, like any responsible service provider, likely has policies and measures in place to combat such abuses and mitigate their impact.

WhoIs AS203999


SPAM active IP addresses in AS203999 Geekyworks IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 05:39:292024-09-11 10:50:433 16:25:512024-09-17 14:15:364
366.56.78.2332022-06-18 08:58:222024-09-19 02:30:375
466.56.81.1102022-09-19 22:26:152024-09-19 08:50:513
566.56.81.1272022-02-20 04:38:592024-09-19 07:45:2610
666.56.83.82024-09-17 10:45:342024-09-19 14:20:53526
766.56.83.102020-06-15 01:48:082024-09-10 15:30:40102
866.56.83.812020-09-11 11:49:442024-09-19 14:25:27544
966.56.83.1022020-12-15 19:20:082024-09-08 05:30:35136
1066.56.83.1222021-02-20 08:50:502024-09-16 14:45:4049
1166.56.83.1532023-09-18 11:36:132024-09-16 18:10:341420
1266.56.90.912022-06-17 13:48:532024-09-16 11:30:516
1366.56.90.1702022-10-08 13:21:272024-09-17 12:25:323
1466.56.90.2022022-03-02 01:17:042024-09-19 19:35:254
1566.56.90.2162022-09-28 09:20:392024-09-16 12:45:403
1666.56.90.2522022-02-08 15:56:252024-09-07 10:30:463
1766.56.91.1762022-06-02 11:03:192024-09-09 22:05:319
1867.213.122.1292021-05-21 01:15:412024-09-19 07:45:2611
1967.213.122.1302022-11-24 15:10:572024-09-12 14:28:578
2067.213.122.1412022-09-25 23:35:202024-09-17 12:20:363
2169.165.14.42020-06-27 10:26:142024-09-10 10:25:524
2269.165.14.572024-07-30 17:55:332024-09-20 03:00:369
2369.165.14.742021-12-13 11:02:152024-09-17 13:10:4013
2469.165.14.2042022-11-03 15:15:472024-09-14 13:41:463
2569.165.14.2272023-03-10 14:30:232024-09-19 14:25:273
26104.244.83.672022-06-17 03:22:322024-09-15 08:25:286
27104.244.83.1152022-06-17 12:13:212024-09-07 05:15:316
28104.244.83.1302022-06-20 02:18:402024-09-13 14:20:596
29104.244.83.1542022-06-18 06:02:272024-09-10 00:50:336
30168.151.96.1192022-06-18 07:30:432024-09-17 06:50:326

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1206.41.160.0/19United States81925628174321.00%
6168.151.128.0/20United States40969363669.00%
7216.19.192.0/19United States819222133354.00%
8168.151.224.0/22United States102472233132.00%
9198.240.88.0/22United States102464132732.00%
12168.151.240.0/21United States204855527613.00%
13168.151.240.0/22United States102449027527.00%
1567.213.112.0/20United States40965272536.00%
16168.151.228.0/22United States102447125225.00%
1766.56.64.0/19United States819214792363.00%
19206.41.185.0/24United States25623119175.00%
24209.99.132.0/24United States25624118271.00%
26161.123.128.0/22South Africa102486617017.00%
27161.123.148.0/22United States102453716516.00%