Spam statistics of AS17858 LG POWERCOMM

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Korea62Paid VPN
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-10 1409189.05%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
4 0112 941

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS17858

Owner of AS17858

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 17858 is Powercomm. Powercomm is a South Korean internet service provider that focuses on providing broadband and other communication services within the region.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of Powercomm, the owner of AS17858, involves offering internet connectivity services to its customers. This encompasses high-speed internet access for both residential and business clients, along with additional services that may include voice over IP (VoIP) and television packages.

Establishment of AS17858

The exact establishment date of AS17858 is not commonly detailed in public AS registry databases. However, the data regarding when an autonomous system was first seen can be inferred from historical routing tables and announcements.

Malicious Use of AS17858

Concerning the use of AS17858 by hackers or spammers, it is important to note that any network can potentially be exploited for malicious intent. According to records found on CleanTalk's website:

  • AS17858 has been identified in their database; however, there is no specific information provided regarding the current reputation or any historical abuse.

  • The absence of detailed records could suggest that there have not been significant incidents or reports involving AS17858 related to spamming or hacking activities, at least not recorded by CleanTalk.

It is essential for network operators like Powercomm to implement security measures to prevent and mitigate any form of abuse on their networks.

WhoIs AS17858


SPAM active IP addresses in AS17858 LG POWERCOMM

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 20:55:272024-09-15 11:45:323 11:15:282024-09-19 13:25:483

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Korea5242881816980.00%
2182.208.0.0/13South Korea5242881628900.00%
3112.144.0.0/13South Korea5242881690860.00%
4124.48.0.0/13South Korea5242881521760.00%
5124.56.0.0/13South Korea5242881233750.00%
6116.32.0.0/13South Korea5242881280680.00%
7182.216.0.0/14South Korea262144755530.00%
8122.32.0.0/13South Korea5242881268520.00%
949.160.0.0/13South Korea5242881243510.00%
10182.224.0.0/14South Korea262144994510.00%
11125.176.0.0/14South Korea2621441068500.00%
12182.208.0.0/14South Korea262144787400.00%
13182.228.0.0/14South Korea262144833400.00%
14117.110.0.0/15South Korea1310721795370.00%
15115.136.0.0/14South Korea2621441057350.00%
1658.148.0.0/14South Korea262144514330.00%
17112.144.0.0/14South Korea262144757330.00%
18125.188.0.0/14South Korea262144652320.00%
19182.220.0.0/14South Korea262144634300.00%
20119.64.0.0/14South Korea262144633290.00%
2114.4.0.0/14South Korea262144726280.00%
22115.140.0.0/14South Korea262144420160.00%
23182.219.64.0/22South Korea102418162.00%
24180.224.0.0/14South Korea262144334140.00%
2514.4.0.0/15South Korea131072333100.00%
26112.149.160.0/22South Korea10241771.00%
27182.218.220.0/22South Korea10242871.00%
28182.224.176.0/22South Korea10242671.00%
2958.29.0.0/16South Korea6553663160.00%
30182.212.144.0/22South Korea1024961.00%

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